A quick run-through to the latest revolutionary web3 brand and its actual use case.

Firstly, we are humbled for the trust and confidence that you are giving KAKI. More than anything else, the community that we have built will always be our one and only priority.


KAKI is a collaboration of various creators, NFT enthusiasts, market players, animators, and web3 developers who strongly believe in the potential of collaborative narrative and story building. It is an amalgamation of creative geniuses with one same goal -- to create a revolutionary web3 brand with actual use case in the metaverse and IRL.

KAKI's main goal can be categorized into two: (1) to accomplish something remarkable that will go far beyond web3 by revolutionizing how people perceive NFT collections that are lore-based; and (2) to essentially reward KAKI holders as generously as possible, allowing them to integrate KAKI's intellectual property into various platforms and channels. NIKE, Ikea, Lacoste, and many more -- we want KAKI to be a household name for many years to come. We want millions of people to start believing it. a change in culture, some may say.

Like the old Japanese saying “Who chases two rabbits catches neither.”, the team is laser focused in achieving things beyond web3. No overpromised, just plain honest plans and programs. We aim to immortalize the KAKI STYLE.


(Creation of primary KAKI goals namely purpose and utility)

The long-term objective is to establish profitable companies that offer our holders value across a variety of utilities that can be purchased.

With the help of long time real life and web3 friends, we have created dropshipping businesses that generate over $2 million in monthly sales. We will get assistance from these partners with marketing, product positioning, and brand strategy.

The objective is to get our products into the hands of as many people as possible, including athletes, celebrities, and role models. We will offer merchandise as a service for all NFT projects on Ethereum thanks to our ties with our manufacturer. We'll deliver premium goods to initiatives and specific people. There are no order minimums and all items are printed on demand. In contrast to most NFT projects, we will adopt a unique strategy. In addition to a basic apparel line that is accessible to everyone, KAKI will also include a small number of products that are gated to specific NFT qualities in the collection.

In the future, we'll buy warehouse to house our KAKI operations. We shall design KAKI's future there. Our offices, a recording studio (for music and podcasts), a photography studio, and a venue for IRL NFT events will all be located there. We invite and encourage all of our holders to work with us as we advance the KAKI brand.


(Utilize an innovative art agency platform)

KAKI's main goal is to create the most renowned creative studio in web3 history. We know that web3 as well as modern art labs and agencies are dominated by big Hollywood companies such as Dreamworks, Disney and the like. We aim to reach this level of excellence.

When it comes to KAKI LABS' creative studio, we have a straightforward philosophy. "Exceed the bounds of what is thought to be possible." We aim to create a refreshing experience with every visual we push out. We aim to bridge beyond 2D art and into the realm of 3D art, animation, videography, VR/AR, and more. We aim to be the go-to studio for NFT art on Ethereum and eventually all chains. We have a theory that when you combine high class art with quality utility and connect it with a bloodthirsty community, you create a bluechip project.

Every project we collaborate on will be seen as a partner and a continuation of our own brand. This implies that KAKI will continue to assist that business and have a direct investment in its success!


(Honing raw talent and giving creative minds an avenue for success)

Our goal is to establish ourselves as the best NFT LAUNCHPAD for committed and building creators dedicated to assisting visionaries in developing their concepts. We have team members who have experience working at VC companies and coming from the startup scene. Our main objective is to assist in the development and expansion of sustainable businesses. Both web3 and web2 will apply to these companies. For each project we help in launching, our team can offer funding, art or design, advice or expertise, and connections.


(Maximize the benefits of users and holders)

Our several businesses will be under the parent company KAKI LABS . For instance: Future NFT collections from KAKI (with utility and purpose), KAKI NFT, KAKI Art Agency, KAKI Fashion Brand, etc. The objective is to establish as many long-term revenue and growth opportunities outside of web3 as possible. The status, notoriety, and demand for KAKI NFTs increase as our brand is exposed to more consumers. The hub of our ecosystem will be the KAKI NFTs. Owners of KAKI NFT will gain from business profits through increased KAKI Utility.

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